OGDEN, Utah – On Tuesday, January 5, 2021, the Ogden City Council elected Council Member Bart Blair as the Council Chair and Council Member Marcia White as the Council Vice Chair for the 2021 calendar year.
Chair Blair is entering his 12th year of service on the City Council having previously served as Chair in 2013 and as Vice Chair in 2020, 2016, and 2012.
“Thanks to the Council’s hard work over the last few years we have a great opportunity to work with administration to make our city government better and more transparent,” Chair Blair said. “There are processes that need to be addressed and we have a very strong Council to be able to do so.”
Vice Chair White has been a member of the Ogden City Council since 2014 and has previously served as Chair in 2015 and Vice Chair in 2016 and 2017.
“My experience last year in Salt Lake as a director in the Mayor’s cabinet not only gave me perspective on how do to checks and balances, but it also gave me a perspective on how to work with everyone to change processes,” Vice Chair White said. “Learning the other side significantly helps us in our role as a Council. I would like to help to bring more transparency to the public, more collaboration, and ultimately have a better Council and Ogden City.”
After both votes took place, Council Members expressed their appreciation to Council Member Angela Choberka for her service as Council Chair in 2020 and Vice Chair in 2019.