Author: Kevin Thompson

CLEARFIELD, Utah — In response to overwhelming requests from local residents, Clearfield is moving forward with a new green waste program. The city, in partnership with Wasatch Integrated Waste Management, aims to provide residents with a convenient way to recycle green waste while helping to extend the life of the Davis County landfill. The program, which is expected to impact up to 7,000 households that utilize Clearfield Utilities, was prompted by a series of requests made to city council members by residents who expressed a strong desire for more sustainable waste management options. Shaundra Rushton, the communications manager for the…

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SALT LAKE CITY, OK — A proposed bill in Utah aimed at reforming the state’s medical malpractice laws is stirring significant debate, with many victims of medical errors and their families raising concerns that it could severely limit compensation for those suffering life-altering injuries. House Bill 503, which passed out of the House Business, Labor, and Commerce Committee on Tuesday by a 10-4 vote, seeks to cap the total damages that someone can receive for injuries caused by medical malpractice at $1 million. The bill also proposes changes to the pre-litigation process for malpractice claims, with the goal of reducing…

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