Per reports, the unfortunate famiIy is grappling with the devastating loss of their twin babies, a boy, and a girl, who tragicaIIy died. The incident unfolded when their great-grandmother, battling Alzheimer’s, inadvertently left a back door open, leading to the heartbreaking accident. Jenny resides in a home with her grandmother, six children, and 42-year-old husband Sany. A relative reportedly said that the great-grandmother’s oversight in leaving the back door open allowed the twins to slip out unnoticed, leading to the tragic incident. The babie’s mom, 37-year-old Jenny made the heart-wrenching discovery when she found her 18-month-old children, LockIyn and LoreIi,…
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Ogden, UT – According to the statement, officials have worked closely with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Inspection Service on their incident response. Officials also said that the area in which the birds were located has been quarantined and the infected birds have been depopulated to prevent further spread of the disease. As part of existing avian influenza response plans, UDAF and its federal partners are working jointly on additional surveillance and testing in areas around the affected flock. Anyone with birds located in Sanpete County please vigilantly watch your flock for symptoms of HPAI, which…