Ogden, UTAH — North Ogden City has reinstated Police Chief Brian Eynon following a five-week administrative leave prompted by his involvement in a controversial DWI training exercise. The leave was triggered after concerns arose regarding Eynon’s decision to voluntarily consume alcohol during a “wet lab” training, an exercise where participants drink alcohol to reach specific blood alcohol concentration levels, allowing officers to practice field sobriety tests.
An independent investigation conducted by the Department of Public Safety found that while Chief Eynon’s actions exhibited poor judgment, no laws were broken, and no department policies were violated. Additionally, the investigation confirmed that no municipal funds were used to purchase the alcohol involved in the training.
Eynon was placed on leave on February 12 after the exercise sparked public debate about the appropriateness of involving the police chief in such a training scenario. The “wet lab” is typically a controlled environment meant to help officers better recognize signs of impairment in individuals. However, the training raised questions about the ethical boundaries and oversight involved in such exercises.
In a statement, the City of North Ogden emphasized that the matter was taken seriously. “North Ogden City takes matters of professional conduct seriously, especially in law enforcement leadership,” the statement read. “After a careful review, we have determined that while Chief Eynon exhibited a lapse in judgment by volunteering to get intoxicated, his intent was good, and this incident does not define his overall commitment and service to our community.”
The investigation also revealed that both Eynon and the police administration failed to provide adequate oversight of the training exercise. As part of the terms of Eynon’s reinstatement, the city outlined the implementation of revised policies to govern future training scenarios. Additionally, the department will undergo further training to enhance oversight and reinforce professional decision-making across all levels of law enforcement.
Despite the lapse in judgment, the city acknowledged that Chief Eynon had accepted full responsibility for his actions and had committed to implementing necessary reforms. “While the incident underscored the need for improved oversight in training procedures, it was found that Chief Eynon has taken full responsibility for his actions and is committed to implementing necessary reforms,” the city’s statement concluded.
Eynon’s return to duty comes with the expectation that the department will strengthen its approach to training and oversight, ensuring that future exercises are conducted with greater caution and accountability. The incident has sparked ongoing conversations about the boundaries of law enforcement training and the level of personal involvement acceptable for police leadership.