Per reports, the 9-year-old student was reportedly left with serious injuries and marks after being brutally lashed and beaten this woman. The 9-year-old was reportedly beaten with a back scratcher, whipped with ropes and kicked repeatedly by the woman. Photos of the boy’s back and legs revealed severe injuries to his back, hands and feet.
Police officials said that his foster mother beat the child for not finishing his homework. According to reports, the boy told teachers he had been beaten with water pipes and branches and scalded with steam because he couldn’t finish the homework his foster mother assigned him.
The woman, who is in her 50s, was arrested and charged with willful and malicious injury. The young boy was legally adopted at the age of 6 and has now been placed back into the care of his biological parents. This incident occurred in eastern China.
Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports that child abuse has surged in America during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank your for reading and enjoy your day.